In 1994 Harlos Productions presented Felix Mitterer’s play Siberia at the Lookout Theatre in Woollahara.
The production was nominated for the Sydney Critic’s Circle Award.
I was asked to produce the Sound Design for the show…
Martin Luther was a bit of a prick really, I never did like having him over to stay. He was so fucking impatient, always banging on the bathroom door while I was trying to back-one-out in peace-and-quiet. I was glad to see the back of him when he moved out.
This sculpture was welded up from old bicycles and figures cut from sheet metal with the oxy acetylene torch. It was fun, you could ride it like a bike and the head-piece would rotate in front of you. No wheels though, it didn’t go anywhere.
A series of sketches using charcoal, pencil and graphite on paper.
The full title of this oil painting is…
The Beggar Feeling Awkwardly Clad in Saint Martin’s Famous Cloak…
his painting is titled Sowers and is from 1991. It was sold at an exhibition a while later. It was about Reagan and Gaddafi, who were in power at the time, and their insane behaviour back then. Nothing much has changed really, different punk-actors the same old story.
I’m not sure the Fruit Catcher really appreciates the good things in life that come his way…