Well on the first night our little arty theatre show opened at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in March 1990, the first couple of rows were filled with leather-men waiting to see the

Waking up today and seeing the grey, overcast sky reminds me of working on the farm. The feeling of what the day would be like out in the the weather was tangible. What the wet gra

In 1994 Harlos Productions presented Felix Mitterer’s play Siberia at the Lookout Theatre in Woollahara.The production was nominated for the Sydney Critic’s Circle Award.I

This puzzle was hours of fun as a kid. It was just a box of wooden blocks with pictures stuck on each side. There was a bus, car, plane, ship, steam train and a second newer train.

Here's another one from a while ago. 1989, The Triffids at the Enmore theatre in Newtown, Sydney, Australia. Standing room only, poor sound but I guess that's the deal with the rea