Tone Scale and Value Keys

Tonal Scale and Value Keys

I was looking at an old Colour and Design work-book of mine from the mid ’80s and found this page on Tonal Scale and Value Keys. Still good theory and not a bad little painting exercise with gouache. I think it may have come from a Maitland Graves colour and design book. A couple of the hand-written notes read: Major because it has both ends of the scale involved, Minor because it has one end of the scale involved.



This colour wheel is based on the Albert Munsell Colour System that has 100 steps, with the primary colours being Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. It was an early Colour and Design exercise to mix every step from those base colours.

Art Studio

Art Studio

I had a great floor in my art studio for a while. After working on Baz Luhrmann’s 1992 film Strictly Ballroom, I inherited the dance floor from the film set. I rented a truck, carted it from the film sound stage and re-laid it in my art studio (with a little help from my friends).